Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Nigeria Takes A Bold Step

Nigeria being Africa's most populous country took the unprecedented and much awaited step by passing an anti-gay law on 13th January, 2014. This law criminalizes homosexual and lesbian activities in Nigeria. We all know that most of the Western nations frown on this measure. Nigerian law makers mooted that idea some years back, but they were met with so much condemnation by most of the Western nations. The country was even threatened with a withdrawal of aid and other forms of assistance if her leaders went ahead to pass the law.

As the law has been passed now, the Western nations are just bidding their time to come out with a measured and well calculated response. Are they going to withdraw the aid and grants as they threatened to do? It is high time most countries on the African continent stop relying on the West for much of their aid and grants and other forms of handouts. This would enable them to take bold decisions and call the bluff of these western nations who intend to impose their cultures on as. We as Africans must develop our resources by adding value to them. We should encourage trade partnerships amongst the various countries on the continent. Why do we find it very difficult to trade amongst ourselves but are ready and willing to kowtow to the trade agreements imposed on us by the western nations? 

I admire the Nigerians for the bold step they have taken and from what i have heard and seen, majority of Nigerians support the anti-gay law passed by their government. Lets do our best and follow Nigeria's example. God bless Africa.