Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Tomorrow, 25th May is African Union Day and the African political elite are goin to celebrate the day with pomp and pageantry all over the continent by popping champagne and attending seminars where they only indulge in talkshops. Most Africans on the continent still cant acess education, clean water, uninterrupted electricity and we are still faced with the problem of bad governance on our continent. We call ourselves a Union, but i dont think we are united on this dear continent of ours. We still cant trade amongst ourselves and also the movement of people from one country to the other is nothing good to write home about. One would be frustrated if he or she is to travel from Ghana to Nigeria. A lot of bad things are going on at our border posts where those who are supposed to ensure the safe movement of people and goods, rather resort to extortion and if you dont part with an amount of money at the border post, you will be denied entry into the other country. Smuggling of goods are also rife at the borders with the connivance of the security agencies stationed there. 
Africa still does not have a standing army in case a conflict arises in any part of the continent. A typical example was what happened recently in the Ivory Coast. If not for the French and UN troops who used military force to kick out Laurent Gbagbo, the Ivorain crisis would not have been resolved. The crisis in Libya is also another issue where the African Union seems to have lost its voice completely. 
I will like to ask our African political leaders if the AU is still relevant and what are we celebrating?  

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