Monday, 18 July 2011

Happy Birthday, Madiba.

Nelson Mandela: A True African Hero and a Living legend
Nelson Mandela
As the world today celebrate the 93rd birthday of one of its true heroes who have become a living legend, lets hope for peace throughout the entire world. Nelson Mandela is a true African hero and he deserves all the goodwill messages pouring in from all corners of the world. He is a respected African statesman who was able to vehemently chastise the former US president George Bush Jnr when he refused to listen to advise and embarked on the invasion of Iraq. Mandela should be commended for that stand he took against the most powerful man on the earth. He was also very prominent in the fight against apartheid in his home country, South Africa. Today, he is a celebrated figure all over the world and anything good associated with him is bound to be successful. How i wish most African leaders will emulate his leadership style, but what do we see on our dear continent, leaders who are ever ready and willing to use incumbency to ensure their long stay in power, by using the state security apparatus to put fear in the people and if possible amend the constitution to give them another chance to stay in power for a third term. Mandela went for only one term and he handed over power in a peaceful manner. He could have taken some action against the former members of the apartheid regime who abused his basic human rights, but a true statesman that he is refused to tow that line. Mandela rather reconciled with them and even included some of them in his government. How many African leaders can do this? We all will accept the fact that today Nelson Mandela is the 'Face' of South Africa, because he is being used as a brand for the country. As he celebrate his 93rd birthday, may the good Lord bless him abundantly and we ask for more years from God for him, once again i say Happy birthday Madiba Rohihlahla Mandela or happy birthday Dada, God bless you, Africa is proud of you.

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