I was surprised by the news that the Libyan rebels have entered the Libyan capital Tripoli. What a shame those soldiers who were tasked with the defence of the city had to surrender to the rebels. Others also fled upon seeing the advancing rebel army. Gaddafi's two sons have been arrested and within this short time the ICC is calling on the rebels to hand them over for them to be tried. How did things fall apart? This question still baffles me as Gaddafi was purported to have had about ten thousand of a specialised military unit stationed in Tripoli. As the saying goes, when the center does not hold things will surely fall apart. Gaddafi should have known better and negotiated a peaceful exit with the rebels. The ICC will try all means possible to make sure that he is captured and sent to the Hague for crimes against humanity. There seems to be a trend emerging on our African continent whereby African presidents who do not comply with the dictates of the western countries are whisked away on trumped up charges to the ICC to be tried for atrocities they might not have been directly involved in. It seems the African solidarity front has been broken and we are behaving like ostriches and putting our heads in the sand. This is to show African leaders that no matter the amount of resources and influence they have on the ir continent, the western powers still control affairs politically and economically. The African Union seems to have betrayed Gaddafi by being silent on the intrusion of NATO on the soveriegnty of the people of Libya. How did things fall apart? We have 'moles' on our continent and they are acting as double agents for the western powers. Libya was very peaceful for a very long time , then all of a sudden pockets of resistance emerged, and these rebels were recognised as the legitimate government by the western powers. We the current generation will not forgive our leaders if Libya is to turn into another 'Somalia' in the northern part of the continent. Our leaders should bow their heads in shame for allowing things to fall apart in Libya. It saddens my heart when i watch or hear any news about Africans killing each other at the behest of the western powers all in their quest to control our natural resources. Lets not hide the fact that, the west are helping the rebels in exchange for the oil and gas deposits in Libya. As i watch the unfolding drama in Tripoli, i just cant accept the fact that Gaddafi is still reluctant to quit and things have truly fallen apart. God help Africa, for she is seriuosly bleeding, this wound is to big.
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