Monday, 26 September 2011

Palestinian Statehood.

Why should a people's legitimate right to form a state be met with so much opposition by some countries. The Palestinian  Authority President, Mamood Abbas recently presented his people's bid for Statehood to the United Nations and countries like the US had forwarned him that they will veto that move. The Palestinians want to have a state with East Jerusalem as their capital, but the Israelis will have none of it. They see this bid as a threat to their security. More illegal Israeli settlements have sprung up on Palesinian land and the Israelis fear this will be a threat to the lives of their citizens living on those lands. The US President, Barrack Obama warned the Palestinian Authority that they will use their veto power against any move by the Palestinians to achieve their ambition of statehood. The politicians in Washington will not sit down for the Palestinians to have their state on a silver platter. This is because the Jewish community in the US is a very influential factor in American politics. They wield a lot of financial clout and also control the American defense strategy. This is just to say that the Jewish factor control's American foreign policy in the Middle East and if that is brought down America will be on its knees. How can a giant be subdued, you hit its weak spot and it is immobilised. When Israel was created in the years after the Second World War, that was seen as very legitimate and no major objection was raised against that initiative. The Americans and their allies made sure that the state of Israel after its creation was strong enough to defend itself against attacks from the so called "Rogue States" surrounding her. Why cant the Palestinians also be allowed to have a state of their own. As we all saw at the UN General Assembly, the world was claerly divided over the issue of Palestinian statehood. Dialogue must be used to resolve this issue amicably otherwise it might degenerate into something nasty and always the Palestinians are always at the receiving end. I am praying for a time when the Hamas movement will tone down on its radical activities against Israel and Israel to will review its "Gunboat Diplomacy" and resort to peaceful means of resolving disputes with the Palestinian people. I hope a time will come where both the state of Israel and the state of Palestine will both exist side by side, God help us all.  

Friday, 16 September 2011

African Money.

French ex-President Jacques Chirac, and presidential hopeful and former PM Dominique de Villepin were given $20m by African leaders, partly to finance election campaigns, a lawyer alleges.
Robert Bourgi said he was personally involved in handing Mr Chirac briefcases full of cash, but said there was "no proof" of the payments.
Mr Bourgi made similar allegations against the far-right politician Jean-Marie Le Pen, AFP reports.
The ex-leaders vowed to sue Mr Bourgi.
Mr Chirac and Mr de Villepin deny the claims, which come seven months before presidential polls. Mr Le Pen said the allegations against him were "false... ridiculous".
Mr de Villepin is seen as a major centre-right rival to President Nicolas Sarkozy.
Mr Chirac is currently on trial in absentia on charges of illegal party funding. A medical report says he is too unwell to attend and suffers memory lapses.
'Clean France'
In an interview for the Journal de Dimanche newspaper on Sunday, Mr Bourgi alleged that he had been involved in handing over several suitcases to Mr Chirac during his tenure as mayor of Paris in the 1980s and 1990s.
He claimed that the suitcases always contained at least 5m francs ($1m; £630,000) and sometimes as much as 15m.
The first handover of money in Mr de Villepin's presence occurred in 1995, he said, involving 10m francs from the then Zairean President Mobutu Sese Seko.
Mr Bourgi alleged that money from the leaders of several former African colonies was then passed to Mr Chirac and Mr de Villepin over the next 10 years. Speaking on Europe 1 radio, he estimated the total amount to be about $20m.
But he added there was "no proof, no trace" of the alleged secret payments.
In an interview with French television on Monday, he also alleged that the former head of the far-right National Front party, Jean-Marie Le Pen, funded part of his 1988 presidential campaign with money from Gabon's late ex-president Omar Bongo, AFP reports.
Mr Le Pen told BFM television: "If this Mr Bourgi was charged with giving me these funds, he must have kept them for himself."
Mr Bourgi claimed that Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade, Burkina Faso's Blaise Compaore, former Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo, Republic of Congo President Denis Sassou Nguesso and Bongo all visited Mr de Villepin in his office, handing over $10m for the 2002 election campaign.
Bernard Houdin, an adviser to former Ivory Coast president Laurent Gbagbo, said that such payments were "a historical practice" and that "the sums mentioned are no doubt below reality".
However, Sengalese and Burkinabe officials denied the claims. Asked what African leaders got in exchange for the money, Mr Bourgi said: "Lies, lies, lies, unkept promises, meaning that France would close its eyes to certain abuses of power in Africa."
"I acted in my own name, no-one dictated me this interview," Mr Bourgi said, adding that he wanted a "clean France". He added the claim that the same system of secret payments existed under former presidents Georges Pompidou, Valery Giscard d'Estaing and Francois Mitterand.
Mr Chirac's lawyer, Jean Veil, said on Sunday that he had been instructed to file a defamation complaint against Mr Bourgi, and Mr de Villepin told French TV he would do the same.
"They are trying to stop me from running [for president], they have been putting spokes in the wheels for years, but I have thick skin," he said. Judges are expected to rule this week on the so-called Clearstream affair, in which Mr de Villepin is charged with plotting to discredit Mr Sarkozy by failing to stop a corruption inquiry in 2004. The former prime minister was cleared of all charges in a trial that ended last year, but the state prosecutor appealed against the verdict. Mr Bourgi is widely seen as being close to Mr Sarkozy, but he said he was not an unofficial or official adviser, although he was sometimes consulted by the president.Whilst we in Africa are seriuosly in need of basic necessities of life just as good drinking water, education, constant supply of electricity and many more, our leaders are sending African money to the west especially France to finance their electoral campaigns. If all these allegations by Mr. Bourgi turns out to be true, the African leaders mentioned in the story should be impeached by their people just to serve as an example to others who are thinking of doing same. This huge sum of African money could have been used to improve the living conditions of the people in the afore mentioned countries. I weep for Africa, oh  Mother Africa.

The Scramble for Libya's Oil.

Some dreams could be very terrifying to the extent that you wake up and you still feel scared after having such a nightmare. This nightmare of mine was about the Libya's oil. In my dream i saw a large barrel of oil with the inscription Libyan Oil written on it, with about five giants with big tubes ready to siphon the oil to a nearby ship anchored on the coast. Overheard was a bird which was singing "The deal has been done, the deal has been done, we have finally sacked the oldman from his country, give us our share of the oil to offset the debts incurred during the war". These five giants were salivating upon seeing the big barrel of oil and each was eager to put his hose into the barrel first and siphon the oil. I asked myself why this dream? I then realised that the previous day, there was a top American government official visiting Libya just to shake the hands of the leaders of the NTC who had overthrown Moamar Gaddafi. He was followed by the British Prime Minister David Cameron and the French President Nicolas Sakorzy. This was the beginning of the scramble for Libya's oil. Turkey  also joined suit when one of their top government officials paid a visit to Tripoli. Now the western powers are jostling for the lucrative oil contracts in Libya. Will the Russians and the Chinese who criticised NATO's military action in Libya be allowed to get some of the contracts, since they were left out in the contracts in Iraq after opposing the Americans and British in the invasion of Iraq? They also learnt a big lesson so these two powers have also recognised the NTC of Libya just to get into the good books of NATO and its allies. I knew that these western powers were in for Libya's oil the moment NATO started their bombing campaign in Libya. Just as the western powers scrambled for the African continent, the same is being done to scramble for our resources, and we must bear in mind that Libya was not the first and will also not be the last, God bless the African continent. 

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Wikileaks or "Wickedleaks".

Ghana is a very interesting country with its population being accorded the title of providing the so called proverbial hospitality.  This means that we try as much as possible to make all foreigners feel very much at home in our beautiful country. This has gotten to a point whereby this accolade has been taken to another level by our leaders and politicians. The wikileaks expose has realy turned Ghana into a nation where the animal farm mentality has come to stay. Most of the politicians will defend or deny all aspects of the leaked cables if it goes against them and make sure they show the veracity of the leaked cables that goes against their opponents. That is two legs bad, four legs good. The media, both electronic and print were awash with the leaked cables puported to have come from the US Embassy citing both former government officials, opposition figures and other prominent people blabbering on sensitive issues to these American and foreign diplomats. What a shame this wikileaks cables have brought to my dear country Ghana. Politicians should watch how they talk to foreign diplomats on sensitive issues. Some have come out denying what has come out, but what surprised me was how these conversations were recorde verbatim with no changes done to them, i then ask myself, where lies the denials? It will be a good thing to come out and accept responsibility for making a staement than to deny it. What i have realised in Ghana is that our politicians and leaders talk too much. I sometimes wonder if there is no public relations outfit in our country. The reason why i see my country to be interesting is that, when an issue crops up, it can be on our airwaves for the whole week or even a month with each party trying to defend or deny it. I just dont understand how our politicians and leaders are able to talk on sensitive issues to foreign diplomats without being mindful of the future reppecurssions of such loose talk. To add insult to injury, the American Embassy will always decline to comment on the wikilieaks cables on Ghana, it will be a dipolmatic blunder to comment on the wikileaks cables. As usual,  the Americans will always go by their motto "In God We Trust", so why should they trust a fellow human being.

Monday, 5 September 2011

The Fall of Gaddafi.

Once again the West has done it  to an African leader who they see as a threat to their interests. The former Libyan leader Moamar Gaddafi was the target of the West ever since the Lockerbie bombing in the 1980s. H e was slowly coerced to hand over two of his secret service agents who were alleged to have planted the bomb on the Pan Nam Airliner. This killed about 200 people with most of them being Americans and Europeans. This accusation was vehemently denied by the two agents who always pleaded their innocence in the bombing. These two men were tried by the Scottish Court and after the trial one of the agents Abdel Basit El Megrahi was imprisoned by the Scottish Government, but was later released on medical grounds as he was deemed to die in about three months time. He was given a heroes welcome when he landed in Tripoli. Gaddafi should have known that this was one of the tactics of the West to get him. He took the bait and now he is a fugitive on the run. He should have known that that gesture by the West was a Trojan Horse. The fall of Gaddafi was carefully planned by the Western powers who wanted to get him out at all cost. When the protests in Benghazi started, Gaddafi should have quietly left the scene, but he stood his ground. NATO then imposed a "No Fly Zone" over Libya  under the guise of protecting innocent civilians from being attacked by Gaddafi's troops. This was just the beginning of the end for the Libyan leader. NATO had its own plans and they were bent on carrying it out to the letter, this had the blessing of the United Nations. Now, the whereabouts of Gaddafi remains unknown. The West used to fly plane of rendition to Libya as the American, British  and the Canadian inteligent  services ties with Gaddafi have been revealed. These same countries have now collaborated to get rid of him with an overwhelming support for the rebels. The fall of Gaddafi has surely come to pass but not until he is captured as he keeps on making statements about his determination to fight till death. He should just accept the status quo and allow peace to prevail in Libya.