Why should a people's legitimate right to form a state be met with so much opposition by some countries. The Palestinian Authority President, Mamood Abbas recently presented his people's bid for Statehood to the United Nations and countries like the US had forwarned him that they will veto that move. The Palestinians want to have a state with East Jerusalem as their capital, but the Israelis will have none of it. They see this bid as a threat to their security. More illegal Israeli settlements have sprung up on Palesinian land and the Israelis fear this will be a threat to the lives of their citizens living on those lands. The US President, Barrack Obama warned the Palestinian Authority that they will use their veto power against any move by the Palestinians to achieve their ambition of statehood. The politicians in Washington will not sit down for the Palestinians to have their state on a silver platter. This is because the Jewish community in the US is a very influential factor in American politics. They wield a lot of financial clout and also control the American defense strategy. This is just to say that the Jewish factor control's American foreign policy in the Middle East and if that is brought down America will be on its knees. How can a giant be subdued, you hit its weak spot and it is immobilised. When Israel was created in the years after the Second World War, that was seen as very legitimate and no major objection was raised against that initiative. The Americans and their allies made sure that the state of Israel after its creation was strong enough to defend itself against attacks from the so called "Rogue States" surrounding her. Why cant the Palestinians also be allowed to have a state of their own. As we all saw at the UN General Assembly, the world was claerly divided over the issue of Palestinian statehood. Dialogue must be used to resolve this issue amicably otherwise it might degenerate into something nasty and always the Palestinians are always at the receiving end. I am praying for a time when the Hamas movement will tone down on its radical activities against Israel and Israel to will review its "Gunboat Diplomacy" and resort to peaceful means of resolving disputes with the Palestinian people. I hope a time will come where both the state of Israel and the state of Palestine will both exist side by side, God help us all.
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