Once again,Ghanaians would be celebrating another independence
anniversary. This would be the 55th celebration and the question that
comes to mind is, are we really independent? What are we celebrating at
all? Is it the politics of insult or vilifications currently going on?
Or is it going to be another political party event where party colors
would be hung at the main venue just to show who really is in power? As a
nation, we are not economically independent since we continue to take
loans from the IMF, World Bank and other major world financial
institutions to shore up our economy. The powerful western nations
continue to dictate to us what we have to do in our own country. They
have imposed their system of rule on us, what a shame. They take our raw
materials and natural resources and they even determine the prices to
be paid for our resources. Their culture is virtually taking over our
country. We bow to their whims and caprices. Now these western countries
such as the UK and USA are trying to force the practice of
homosexuality down our throats. They have even threatened to make it a
conditionality for the giving of aid to the country. They see we not
accepting the practice in our country as a human right abuse. We seem
not to be fully independent when we can not even trade with our
neighbouring African countries but take delight in trading with
countries outside the African continent. As we celebrate our 55th
independence anniversary, lets ask ourselves if we have been able to
better the lot of our people socially, economically and politically? Are
our schools up to the standards that we promised? Do we have better
healthcare and is it accessible and affordable to all Ghanaians? Can
people afford three square meals a day? Do we have better roads? Are
workers being paid well? Have we been able to provide good drinking
water and stable electricity for our people? Have we thrown out our
values and traditions and embraced the foreign ones which have caused
more harm than good? Why do we still import food that we could produce
in this country i.e. what is the state of our agricultural sector? As we
reflect on all these important questions, lets all come together and
help put Ghana first devoid of political interests. But hey, ayeekoo to
Ghana on her 55th independence anniversary and may God bless our
homeland Ghana.
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