Thursday 13 September 2012

"Frankenstein" Goes Berserk.

There is this story of a doctor who created a human monster called "Frankenstein", which later turned out to be his worst nightmare as this monster caused more havoc in the community. In fact this monster went berserk and it was very dangerous to stay in that community as it went about terrorizing the people around. This doctor thought he could control the monster, but the monster developed a brain of its own and turned against its master. We all witnessed the so called "Arab Spring" in some parts of the Middle East and the Arab world in 2011. The countries involved were Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain and Syria. Whiles the Tunisian leader Ben Ali fled into exile, the Yemeni leader Abdullah Salleh negotiated for his safe exit into exile after he was guaranteed immunity from prosecution in the deal that was brokered. The Egyptian leader, Hosni Mubarak was also kicked out of power and made to face the full rigors of the law. But in Libya, Muamar Gaddafi was brutally murdered by the NATO and rebel forces. That was an act that was seen to be justified by the west and its Allies led by the US. Little did the US know that they had created a "Frankenstein" monster that was to unleash its fury on them one day. On September 11, 2012 the American Consulate in Benghazi was attacked by a mob who were protesting against a short film entitled "Innocence of Muslims" produced by an American Coptic Christian, Sam Bacile. This film is alleged to have insulted the Holy Prophet of Islam and it led to the attacks on the US Embassy in Cairo and Consulate in Benghazi during which the American Ambassador to Libya was killed together with three of his staff. Now the Frankenstein created by the Americans during the Libyan uprising has turned around and unleashing its fury on them. The question i would ask is that, has Frankenstein gone berserk, or can the Americans still control him. It looks like coming events cast their shadows. Muamar Gaddafi would be turning in his grave right now, for he has won a victory even in death as the Americans are being paid in equal measure what was done to him. God bless Africa and God bless us all.

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