Friday, 7 October 2011

Veto Power.

Once again the world has witnessed the calling of the bluff of the Americans and their western Allies by the Russians and Chinese. This was done at the UN Security Council meeting. The Russians and the Chinese used their veto power to block a set of resolutions being tabled by the Americans and their European Allies on the situation in Syria. I applaud the Chinese and the Russians for that. It is high time that the Americans and their European Allies are made to know that they are not alone in the world. The days that unilateral decisions were taken should be done with. These decisions have caused a lot of harm and death in many countries that America nad her European Allies have intervened militarily under the guise of protecting the civilian population in these countries. Examples could be made of their intervention in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Somalia and quiet recently Libya. This carnage would have been extended to Syria if not for the veto of the Russians and the Chinese against the resolution which was initially strongly worded, but had to be toned down after the Russians and the Chinese complained about it. Now the Americans and their European Allies are calling the veto of the Chinese and the Russians against the rsolution all sorts of names. Why was America not criticised when she threatened to use her veto power against the Palestinian bid for statehood at the UN? Is Palestine not part of the world? Syria, i know for sure is the next target on the list of the Americans and their European Allies or NATO. The Russians and the Chinese must be commended for blocking this move. The Americans and their European Allies ahve a bad track record of causing more desolation in any country that they have intervened. I pray and hope the Syrian situation would be reslved peacefully, but who knows if those formenting the troubles over there are being sponsored by foriegn elements or powers, since before the Libyan situation got out of hand, certain world powers had their intelligence operatives on the ground in Libya laying the foundation for the overthrow of Colonel Moammar Gaddafi. This "Disease" must be prevented from spreading to other parts of the world.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...Francis, you are really touching on serious issues, keep on....
