Friday, 2 December 2011

NATO and the BRICS on a Collission Course?

It seems a new world order is emerging and the traditional powers are feeling a bit jittery. It seems their worst fears are about to be confirmed. This new world power is made up of five industrialized countries Brazil, Russia, India, China and just recently South Africa was added (BRICS). These five countries have decided to come together to form a strong union to counter the western powers. The US is feeling so much peeved and she is trying to put in place measures to curb this emerging world power. These five countries have so much wealth in terms of oil and other mineral resources and were able to give the IMF a huge sum of money. BRICS is seriously moving into Africa to make sure that the African economies get favorable terms on the exploitation of their natural resources. This seems to be contrary to what the European Union and their American counterparts are doing in Africa. The American President Barack Obama was in Australia to sign a security agreement with them. In his own words, he said that it was to check the expansion of China in the South Pacific. He is asking the Australians to allow the US to build a military base on Australian territory. The US is afraid of its own shadow. NATO to would follow suit very soon. The BRICS wold not relent in their efforts to expand their economies. These old powers like NATO and the US should know that their time is about to end and a new force in the world would emerge to put a check on them. They should know that the BRICS have come to stay and the traditional powers must give way for them to operate. Right now the Americans and NATO have Iran on their radar. The crux of the matter is that, why cant Iran be allowed to produce its own nuclear weapons if the Americans have also been given the power to do so, Israel has nuclear weapons, why dont the UN tell them to stop and impose sanctions on them. Its an "Animal Farm" situation, two legs bad, four legs good. I have this feeling that if care is not taken, this Iranian nuclear issue would escalate into another full scale war, and i bet you the BRICS would not sit there idle and watch it happen. NATO must accept the fact that the world is fed up with their illegal invasion of countries in the name of protecting civilians. Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Iraq and just recently Libya where the Libyan leader was murdered in cold blood. Time will surely tell if NATO can continue with this behaviour, its time their bluff is called off and the BRICS is just the emerging power to do that.    

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