Did i hear Hillary Clinton ask the African Union to reject Gaddafi and sever all diplomatic ties with the Libyan Government headed by Gaddafi? What at all is happening in this our world of today? I saw the AU diplomats applauding and smiling. This is a betrayal at the highest level. I dont see this attitude helping promote African Unity. If this request is carried out by the member nations of the African Union, the much touted unity needed to develop the African continent will elude us, and it will take only God's intervention to achieve that. Liberia today annonced that she was recalling her ambassador from Tripoli, very soon other countries will follow suit and the already divided African continent will be fragmented into various blocs. Dont these our leaders see that the west has no good plans for the African continent? They ask us to reject our own brother and we are happy about it and we clap our hands for them. They are using their method of "divide and rule" on us again. What happened to Africans solving their own problems with their own methods, should we wait for an outsider to come and tell us what to do? I am very sad for my continent, oh my Africa, i cry for you, your children are being forced to drink 'dirty water'. In fact, they have no choice as this 'dirty water' is being forced down their throats. We have now gotten to a point where rebells take up arms against a government and they are recognised as the legitimate government. Let me ask, can this happen in the USA and Europe? Germany today took a bold decision to recognise the rebbels as the legitimate representatives of the Libyan people. There is this African proverb which says that, 'the child who will not allow the parents to sleep will also not sleep'. Say a prayer for Libya anytime you pray folks.
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