Now the international coalition has deployed more fire power against Gaddafi. This has been done in the form of Apache Attack Helicopters. Russia has vehemently criticised this latest move by the international coalition in Libya. Lets ask ourselves. Who is going to pay for the cost being incurred by the international coalition. Last week, i heard the US Defence Secretary say that the war in Libya has so far cost them about $70 million. Dont you think they are going to take the cost of the war back from the Libyan people in the form of oil and other resources in the country? The actions of the rebbells are not reported by the international media, because they are being paid to make sure that they report negative things from the side of the Libyan government. As usual, Gaddafi is still defiant and has resisted every move to have him kicked out. His Oil minister has defected, and i know more of his close allies will leave him very soon, the whole world is watching how the whole drama will end. Why cant the international coalition do the same thing in Yemen and Syria where government forces are openly shooting innocent civilians. Children are being tortured and more human rights abuses are being committed in these two countries but the whole world is behaving as if Yemen and Syria does not exist, what a pity. Is it because there are no oil resources in Yemen and Syria or these governments protect Western interests. The world is gradually turning into an Animal Farm, where some animals are better than others. There is no equality in this world. Who is going to pay for the rebuilding of all the bombed infrastructure in Libya. The African Union must sit up and be pragmatic. Now that the British have deployed their Apache Attack Helicopters, the international coalition is gradually getting involved in ground operations and they know the consequences of that, Afghanistan and Iraq are two examples the Americans have found difficult to crack as their casualties keep on mounting.
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