What is happening in Yemen has taken a new twist as the Yemeni president, Ali Abdullah Saleh has been flown out to Saudi Arabia for medical treatment as a result of injuries he suffered when his presidential compound was heavily attacked by local tribesmen and opposition forces. Will he return back to Yemen? I think that will be unlikely. He should have listened to the people when they gave him the opportunity to leave in a dignified manner. After staying in power for more than 30 years what again does he want to achieve? His exit will be exploited by the terrorist organisation Al Qaeda who have Yemen as their main base of planning attacks against the west. Will Saleh's forces turn against him and prevent him from returning back to Yemen or capitulate to the demands of the opposition and the tribesmen who sometime ago were the main backers of Saleh. Yemen was seen as a hotbed of Al Qaeda activities so Saleh was being supported by the Americans to fight the Al Qaeda elements and some successes were achieved. Will the US get another ally in Yemen to fight the terrorists, thats a question that needs a careful analytical answer, because it will be based on who assumes the reigns of power in that country. If care is not taken the gains made by the Yemeni government under Saleh's reign will go down the drain and they will have to start from ground zero. This will be very embarrasing to the US as they have put in a lot of resources both in monetary terms and military hardware. But Saleh should have left earlier on the moment the protests started. He is likely to be tried for human rights abuses as a lot of the protesters were tortured and killed by his security forces. I hope by now the ICC is drawing up charges against Saleh, it si just a matter of time before these charges will be amde public and they will haul him before the ICC to answer for the atrocities committed during his stay in power. It is now becoming a norm where every leader who does not leave power in a good way is accused of committing crimes against humanity and extradited to the Hague to face criminal charges. So all leadres should make sure that they leave power in a dignified manner. Ali Abdullah Saleh's return to Yemen will not be possible as a result of the wild jubilations going on in Yemen, he should just stay put in Saudi Arabia and keep quiet, that will help him.
I dont think the Yemeni president will be coming back to his country, because it has been reported that he was gravely injured in the attack on his compound, what a pity, he should have known better.