Tuesday, 15 November 2011

An African's Dilemma.

Being an African is not that easy, there are many sides to this dilema. You have the urban side,  rural and foreign sides. You are born in the typical village with no electricity, good drinking water, bad roads and bad educational infrastructure. You dont get the opportunity to sometimes wear shoes or sandals to school, unless on special occassions such as on Sundays when you go to church to worship. You walk barefooted to every corner in your village. Sometimes you have to make do with tattered clothing as uniform for school. Fridays are your days that you do the farmwork so no school on that day for you. Your teachers relax in their approach towards their work and maintain the opinion that all village children are not good so no matter what you do they would never be at par with their urban colleagues. You complete school with a bad grade and the only option you have is either you leran a trade or migrate to the urban centre to do menial jobs. When it is time for elections, politicians go to the rural areas to make big promises which they dont fullfil, but you believe they can deliver and you vote for them. 
You are born in the city, and you get the best of education, good drinking water and constant electricity supply. Your parents are well-to-do and you put on good clothes to school. On your birthday, a party is held for you and you invite your friends over to have a good time.After school, you continue to the university and upon completion, your parents because of their influence in certain circles of authority secure a job for you because one of them might have attended the same school with your dad or mum. You drive to work every day and you dont join any of these killer troskies (trotro).You even get the chance to travel abroad for your vacation. You come back to marry the daughter of a rich man who is a friend of your parents. In short, life is good for you and you dont care how others are suffering as you spend lavishly on unnecessary things. You sometimes even forget about God. He even sees the village folks as being "Colo".
These two types of Africans, who do you think could be easily influenced by foreign nations. Your guess would be good as mine. The one from the rural area would be thinking about his people back in the village and always initiate projects to better their lives. The urban guy would easily be influenced because, all his life has been a rosy one. He would quickly accept any type of foreign aid even with conditions attached to them. He has not known suffering before. To go by the above analysis, the African is trully in a dilema and the earlier he comes out of it, the better it would be for him. We still sit down for outsiders to determine our way of life for us. Africans should wake up from their slumber and be proactive.

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