Africa has been tied to the apron strings of the west for a long time, and it is high time we as Africans stand up and say to the west that we are fed up with the hypocrisy of the west. Recently, the British Prime Minister, David Cameron made a statement at a Commonwealth Summit in Australia that British aid would be tied to the issue of human rights. He specifically talked about countries that are being hostile to gays and lesbians. These countries he mentioned as Ghana, Malawi and Uganda. The British PM has no right to tell us how to live in our own countries. Gay and lesbianism is unAfrican, unbiblical and the African culture abhors and detest such an unholy practice. We live in a totally different part of the world with our own culture and society. If i may ask, what particular resource does the British have in abundance? Dont they depend mostly on Ghana ans Ivory Coast's cocoa and other raw materials which they force us to sell to them at their own determined price. David Cameron should bow down his head in shame for making such a statement. Who are his advisors and who wrote his script for him? What was he thinking when he made that statement. Our president, John Evans Atta Mills gave him a strong response that he was not going to support any legislation that would legalize gay and lesbian rights. Our parliament also gave its support to the stance of the president. For once the whole nation removed their political cloaks and united to denounce and condemn the British PM's unnecessary comments. The Christian leaders made up of the clergy and other bodies together with the moslem leaders in the country have come out strongly to condemn any attempt by the British PM to coerce the government of Ghana to legalize gay and lesbian practices in Ghana. We the youth and people of Ghana would also not sit down for this evil practice to be made legal. Legalize this evil practice in Ghana and we will all die in 35 years time. We ar prepared to forego your aid, Mr. Cameron if you would not respect our distinct culture and society. Take a careful look at the British society, parenting have been taken away from the parents by the British government. Children in Britain can no longer be disciplined by their parents. The funny part was that, during the recent youth riots in the London , the Mayor, Police Chief and the Prime Minister were calling on parents to call their children and ask them to come home. Since when did the British Government realize that these children had parents? This cant happen in China and in most parts of Africa, you dare not misbehave in front of your parents or any elderly person. We as Ghanaians have called the bluff of the UK Prime Minister, may he bow down his head in shame. Nobody have questioned the British Government on their human rights abuses in India, South Africa, Kenya, Iraq and so many other places. God bless Africa and the whole world.
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